This is my first ministry and priority, my family. As a husband and father of two beautiful children, all of whom are artists and creators in some respect, it is my responsibility to oversee and ensure that we are accomplishing all the things that God has for us. As a husband, that means supporting my wife’s endeavor to leave her full time job to start her own business and fulfill God’s purpose for her life as an entrepreneur and content creator. As a father it means investing my time and resources into my children so that they know Daddy believes in their dreams and supports them in what they’ve been created to do. For my son that includes encouraging and supporting him as a visual artist. Currently he has created and sold numerous paintings (at this point just to family, lol) and he is in the process of creating his own comic book and super-hero characters. Those too will be for sale at some point in the near future, lol.
And as a creative mind myself, I’m currently in the early stages of creating a new family business which could possibly grow into an actual franchise down the road. That venture itself will be revolutionary not just for us as a family but for our entire community as well. So I’m definitely looking forward to getting that off the ground and launched. In the meantime please check out our brand new podcast entitled “The Life Defined” Podcast. Please subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Spotify or GooglePlay.